Have you ever wondered how we can say we “Bless God” when we also ask God to “Bless us?” How can we “bless God”, who is already all-good and needs nothing from us? The reason is that the Latin word for blessing someone or something is “benedicere,” and it is made up of two words: “bene” [pronounced “BAY--nay”] means “well” and “dicere” [pronounced “DEECH-ehDEECH-eh-ray”] means “to speak.” So, when we say “we bless God,” it means we are speaking well of God, that we are praising God for all that He is. When we ask God to “bless us,” we are asking God to speak well of us; we know from the Scriptures than when God speaks, something happens and comes into existence. When God “blesses” us, he pours something of His life and goodness into us.
A special opportunity to be blessed by God is available to us in 2025, as Pope Francis has called on us to observe a Jubilee year. During a Jubilee year in the Church, which has been traditional every 25 years for a number of centuries, we have the opportunity for special graces and a renewal of our faith. This year’s Jubilee is special because it is the 1700th anniversary of first ecumenical council of the Church, the First Council of Nicaea, in the year 325.
The First Council of Nicaea was very important because there was a popular heresy (i.e., incorrect teaching) going around in the Church. The heresy is called the Arian heresy, named for an Egyptian Catholic priest named Arius. The heresy denied that Jesus was both truly God and truly man. It was very popular, even among emperors and empresses, because it seemed to explain how Jesus could be both God and man, which was puzzling to many people. There was great dispute among the followers of Arius and other Christians about who and what Jesus is.
The First Council of Nicaea declared that Arius’ teaching was incorrect, and that the teaching of the Apostles was clearly that Jesus is “true God and true man.” That’s what we profess in the Creed we say every Sunday at Mass. Our Profession of Faith is called the “Nicene Creed” since it came from the decision of the bishops at Nicaea in 325. (Incidentally, one of the bishops at the Council of Nicaea was St Nicholas, who has since become “Santa Claus” to our culture.)
Pope Francis said the theme of Jubilee Year 2025 is Pilgrims of Hope. He asks us to make a special effort to go on a spiritual journey, seeking renewal and deeper communion with God, so that we may be beacons of hope in the world, He invites us to live our faith with joy, and to inspire other people through acts of love and mercy. How important this is today when so many people are discouraged and seem to have little hope for their future.
I’ll speak in another column about ways in which we can participate in the Jubilee Year to receive the special blessings offered during it.
Regular Mass Schedule - Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM. Sunday Obligation: Saturday 4:00 PM, Sunday 8:00 AM.
Confession Schedule - Wednesday 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Thursday 7:00 to 8:00 PM,
Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 PM, or by appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration - Our weekly Holy Hour (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) is held on Saturdays beginning at 2:45 PM. Benediction follows at 3:35 PM.
St. Mary’s Youth Choir
Open to all students 2nd grade and older. We will sing at three Masses this school year. February 9, Marcy 9, and May 3. Rehearsals will take place on Sundays from 10:30 to 11:30 AM after RE classes. Rehearsal dates are January 26, February 2, February 23, and March 2. If you would like to join the choir, please contact Andrew Stover at [email protected].
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Are you or do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic, was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? If you would like more information please contact the parish office at 815-827-3205.
Religious Education
Classes are held on Sundays during the school year, 9:15-10:30 AM at St. Mary's Novak Center. If you have questions or would like to learn more about our program, please call Leila Rivers at 815-827-3205 x3. Please keep our youth and catechists in your prayers.
Please remember your loved ones with a Mass intention. We can pray for anyone, they do not have to be deceased. It can be for a wedding anniversary or birthday, a Mass of thanksgiving, or any other special intention. Weekend Masses fill up quickly, but we do have daily Masses each week that are available. Please call or stop by the parish office for more information.
If you are new to our parish or just visiting - WELCOME!! If you would like to officially claim St. Mary’s as your parish home - we would love to have you! Download a Parish Registration Form here. Drop off the completed form at the parish office located in the Novak Center (school building South of the church). Questions? Call 815-827-3205.
We have a continuing need for parishioners to serve as altar servers, cantors, lectors, and ushers/greeters. Training will be provided. Make an effort to actively participate at Mass in this special way and step up! Contact Deacon Greg or the parish office if you feel called to serve in a ministry.
Church Cleaners - We have a need for volunteers to help clean the church every other week. Many hands make light work!
2025 Church Cleaning Schedule
Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. You are welcome to clean on a day other than Saturday, just arrange for the church to be opened. Thank you!
Just like for your family, it is important that the parish continue paying its bills. Please continue your Sunday contributions to the parish, by mail to: St. Mary Church, PO Box 70, Maple Park, IL 60151, or use our Online Giving service. Thanks and may God bless you!
Please also remember St. Mary’s with a gift in your will or estate plan.
Church Roof Repair Fund - We recently had the church slate roof inspected and that inspection identified necessary work that needs to be done as soon as possible. We have identified interior plaster damage caused by leaks. The necessary work has been estimated to cost about $64,000. It includes replacing copper diverters in the eves which have holes in them, installing missing slate slabs, and other items. The slate roof is believed to be the original, installed when the new church was built in 1914. Even though work was done on the roof years ago, it was never fully completed. If you are able to help, please indicate “Church Roof Repair” on your donation or...
Donate Online for Roof Repairs
Blacktop Maintenance Fund - The blacktop on the North church driveway was replaced last summer. We are now asking for donations to complete similar work on the South driveway, which was originally installed along with the North driveway in 1974. If you are able to help, please indicate “Blacktop Maintenance” on your donation or... Donate Online for Blacktop Maint.
Church Window Restoration Fund - We continue to solicit funds for rebuilding the actual interior of our 100+ year-old stained-glass windows as this becomes necessary. We sincerely thank you for your past donations and ask for your continued generous support in this endeavor to help properly maintain our beautiful church building. If you are able to help, please indicate “Stained Glass Window Repair” on your donation or...
Donate Online for Window Rest.
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