The celebration of the Baptism of the Lord at Mass and in the Divine Office this Sunday concludes the Christmas season and moves us into Ordinary Time until Ash Wednesday in March will plunge us into Lent.
The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist marked the beginning of Jesus’ public mission. He was ready to proclaim the arrival of the redemption God promised after the sin of Adam and Eve, which alienated the human race from its Creator. As the sinless Son of God, of course, Jesus had no need to be baptized. He apparently requested baptism as a sign that He was taking our sins upon Himself in order to save us from the consequences of human sinfulness.
The baptism performed by John the Baptist was not the sacrament of Baptism, for it did not forgive people’s sins. It invited them to acknowledge their sins and do penance for them. God’s forgiveness would come through Jesus’ self-giving death on the cross and the power unleashed by His resurrection.
After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus commissioned the Apostles to baptize people so that His redemption would take effect in their lives. In this baptism the Holy Spirit, the Love and Power of God, is poured into our lives and we are actually reconciled to God and united to Him.
The sacrament of Baptism is the beginning of a relationship with God, not just a one-time experience. Since most of us are now baptized as infants, it is all-important that our parents and godparents bring us up in that relationship by teaching us what it means and demonstrating a faithful Christian life by their example.
It is a great scandal in the Church that too many Catholic parents have their children baptized, but then make little or no effort to teach them how to live the Christian life. They do not bring them to Mass on Sunday when they are old enough to go, they do not teach them to pray and learn about Christ, and they fail to do what they promised when they had their child baptized.
Thank the Lord that we do have many Catholic parents who faithfully fulfill their obligation to raise their children in the faith of their baptism. God will certainly shower down many blessings on those who do so.
Regular Mass Schedule - Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM. Sunday Obligation: Saturday 4:00 PM, Sunday 8:00 AM.
Confession Schedule - Wednesday 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Thursday 7:00 to 8:00 PM,
Saturday 3:00 to 3:45 PM, or by appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration - Our weekly Holy Hour (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) is held on Saturdays beginning at 2:45 PM. Benediction follows at 3:35 PM.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Are you or do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic, was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? If you would like more information please contact the parish office at 815-827-3205.
Religious Education
Classes are held on Sundays during the school year, 9:15-10:30 AM at St. Mary's Novak Center. If you have questions or would like to learn more about our program, please call Leila Rivers at 815-827-3205 x3. Please keep our youth and catechists in your prayers.
Please remember your loved ones with a Mass intention. We can pray for anyone, they do not have to be deceased. It can be for a wedding anniversary or birthday, a Mass of thanksgiving, or any other special intention. Weekend Masses fill up quickly, but we do have daily Masses each week that are available. Please call or stop by the parish office for more information.
If you are new to our parish or just visiting - WELCOME!! If you would like to officially claim St. Mary’s as your parish home - we would love to have you! Download a Parish Registration Form here. Drop off the completed form at the parish office located in the Novak Center (school building South of the church). Questions? Call 815-827-3205.
We have a continuing need for parishioners to serve as altar servers, cantors, lectors, and ushers/greeters. Training will be provided. Make an effort to actively participate at Mass in this special way and step up! Contact Deacon Greg or the parish office if you feel called to serve in a ministry.
Church Cleaners - We have a need for volunteers to help clean the church every other week. Many hands make light work!
2025 Church Cleaning Schedule
Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. You are welcome to clean on a day other than Saturday, just arrange for the church to be opened. Thank you!
Just like for your family, it is important that the parish continue paying its bills. Please continue your Sunday contributions to the parish, by mail to: St. Mary Church, PO Box 70, Maple Park, IL 60151, or use our Online Giving service. Thanks and may God bless you!
Please also remember St. Mary’s with a gift in your will or estate plan.
Church Roof Repair Fund - We recently had the church slate roof inspected and that inspection identified necessary work that needs to be done as soon as possible. We have identified interior plaster damage caused by leaks. The necessary work has been estimated to cost about $64,000. It includes replacing copper diverters in the eves which have holes in them, installing missing slate slabs, and other items. The slate roof is believed to be the original, installed when the new church was built in 1914. Even though work was done on the roof years ago, it was never fully completed. If you are able to help, please indicate “Church Roof Repair” on your donation or...
Donate Online for Roof Repairs
Blacktop Maintenance Fund - The blacktop on the North church driveway was replaced last summer. We are now asking for donations to complete similar work on the South driveway, which was originally installed along with the North driveway in 1974. If you are able to help, please indicate “Blacktop Maintenance” on your donation or... Donate Online for Blacktop Maint.
Church Window Restoration Fund - We continue to solicit funds for rebuilding the actual interior of our 100+ year-old stained-glass windows as this becomes necessary. We sincerely thank you for your past donations and ask for your continued generous support in this endeavor to help properly maintain our beautiful church building. If you are able to help, please indicate “Stained Glass Window Repair” on your donation or...
Donate Online for Window Rest.
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