Need Assistance? The Maple Park Conference of St. Vincent DePaul has been closed. If you need assistance, please call the Elburn or DeKalb Conferences. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Donations and Volunteer Opportunities The St. Vincent de Paul Society is in need of donations to help those in need in our area. Checks should be sent directly to Ms. Joni Kupar, SVdP Conference Treasurer, 4N830 W. Mary Drive, St. Charles, IL 60175. Also, the St. Vincent de Paul Society is always seeking new members who wish to serve those in need. Please call Mike Sims at 309-696-8237 to find out more about the Society and what you can do or come to one of their monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at St. Gall Church, 43W855 Hughes Road in Elburn.
To learn more about the national organization of St. Vincent de Paul,
click here.