We ask you to consider giving your support to our Adopt-a-Student Program. In an effort to keep Religious Education tuition low we are seeking support of this program for any families who may be having financial difficulties. You may make a donation, no matter how large or small, to this cause. If a family is experiencing financial hardships at this time they could meet privately with Fr. Ariel and/or Leila Rivers and their tuition would be paid from this fund and would be kept completely anonymous. Funding received would also be used to help with the purchase of textbooks, new teaching materials and supplies for updating our Religious Education Program at the Novak Center. Please make a notation on your check that the donation is for the "Adopt-A-Student Program."
One of the Corporal Works of Mercy is to "Feed the Hungry." During the season of Lent, our students will be collecting food for St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Non-perishable items (canned goods, macaroni and cheese, etc) including toothpaste, paper towel, and toilet paper are some of the items needed. Thank you!